Codes of Conduct

The Rosewood team is proud to have high standards in relation to staff conduct.  We have a shared understanding of the importance and reasoning behind the ways we work, which enables us to hold one another to account and maintain excellence across the school.

When working with learners, we give high regard to our legal duty of safeguarding; we acknowledge both the privilege and the responsibility of being part of the team around our learners and their families.  We pay attention to their age as well as to their developmental stage, and take care to maintain their dignity.  Respect is an important part of this, both for learners and their families.

Maintaining high standards in our practice encompasses everything from health and safety and our protocols regarding moving and handling, to simple principles about clothing and presentation, which we adhere to in order to support learning as well as safety.

Our staff team are confident that they can bring issues to the school leadership either by reporting incidents or under the whistleblowing policy.
