Admission Arrangements

Rosewood is a school for pupils with profound and multiple learning difficulties, or for learners with severe learning difficulties who also have physical or medical needs. 

Children and young people are placed at Rosewood by the Local Authority, who consult with the head teacher about whether the school can meet the child's needs.  Children can attend on assessment places (while their EHCP is being written) or once they have their EHCP.  We welcome visits from families as part of this process.  

If your child has an existing EHCP and is already in school, and you would like them to be considered for a place at Rosewood, the process would take place via the Annual Review.  Families can request a place at Rosewood and, once the paperwork is submitted, the Local Authority will consult Rosewood about a place.

Southampton's Local Offer can be found here:

Please see a copy of our admissions criteria and policy below.

  Communication and Interaction Cognition and Learning Social, Emotional and Mental Health Sensory and Physical Health Needs related to SEN
We will admit

Children who require an adult to interpret all actions and label communicative intent

Children who are preverbal

Children who are not aware of others and require an adult to mediate all interactions


Children who are assessed as having profound and multiple learning disabilities

Children who have severe learning disabilities with complex health and physical needs

Children who are still learning to self-regulate in line with their developmental ability


Children who are non-ambulant

Children with assessed physical disability and receiving active involvement of the community therapy team

Children with degenerative or life-limiting conditions

Children who require an integrated health and therapy offer that can include:

- Bolus feeding

- Use of postural equipment

- Suctioning

- Chest physio

Children who have epilepsy

We will discuss and consider on a case by case basis

Children who are pre-verbal who, due to young age it is unclear of developmental pathway, require an assessment place

Children who are babbling and making occasional recognisable sounds linked to objects

Children who require a peer group to be responsive to interactions


Children whose cognitive ability is directly impaired by unmet physical or sensory needs


Children who display some challenging behaviour as an attempt to communicate emotions, but are preverbal

Children who need an adult to always support self-regulation due to learning need


Children who have significant sensory impairment with additional physical needs

Children who are beginning to cruise, crawl or take first steps

Children who require frequent repositioning and manual handling guidance to maintain their airway

Children whose support staff would need specialist training to manage their positioning


Children with high medical needs that will require significant staff training or 1:1 support, above core health training currently offered. 

This can include:

- frequent suctioning

- tracheostomy care

- catheterising

- Management of NPA or other airways

- Delegated nursing tasks specific to the child

Children with degenerative or life limiting conditions

We will not admit

Children who need to develop independence and social skills which cannot be offered by the learning environment and/or peer group

Childrenwho can engage with peers in play activities

Children who are using single words to label objects

Children who are enjoying symbolic play


Children with severe learning disabilities but no additional physical or medical needs

Children working above the Engagement Model

Children who have reached developmental milestones beyond 12-18 months


Children who exhibit challenging behaviour that is not linked to a medical or neurological condition and a severe learning disability


Fully ambulant children


Learners whose travelling time will exceed 1h 15mins where the time impacts on health needs



  Communication and Interaction Cognition and Learning Social, Emotional and Mental Health Sensory and Physical Health Needs related to SEN
We will admit

Learners who require an adult to interpret all actions and label communicative intent

Learners who are preverbal

Learners who are not aware of others and require an adult to mediate all interactions


Learners who are assessed as having profound and multiple learning disabilities


Learners who are still learning to self-regulate in line with their developmental ability


Learners who are non-ambulant

Learners with assessed physical disability and receiving active involvement of the community/ school therapy team

Learners with degenerative or life-limiting conditions

Learners who require an integrated health and therapy offer that can include:

- Bolus feeding

- Use of postural equipment

- Suctioning

- Chest physio

Learners who have epilepsy

We will discuss and consider on a case by case basis

Learners who are babbling and making occasional recognisable sounds linked to objects

Learners who require a peer group to be responsive to interactions

Learners with early symbolic awareness and who recognise their own objects

Learners who have a severe learning disability with complex health and physical needs


Learners who display some challenging behaviour as an attempt to communicate emotions, but are preverbal

Learners who need an adult to always support self-regulation due to learning need

Learners in care

Learners who have significant sensory impairment with additional physical needs

Learners who are beginning to cruise, crawl or take first steps

Learners who require frequent repositioning and manual handling guidance to maintain their airway

Learners whose support staff would need specialist training to manage their positioning


Learners with high medical needs that will require significant staff training or 1:1 support, above core health training currently offered. 

This can include:

- frequent suctioning

- tracheostomy care

- catheterising

- Management of NPA or other airways

- Delegated nursing tasks specific to the child

Learners on a palliative or end of life pathway

We will not admit

Learners who need to develop independence and social skills which cannot be offered by the learning environment and/or peer group

Learners who can engage with peers in play activities

Learners who are using single words to label objects


Learners with severe learning disabilities but no additional physical or medical needs

Learners following some or all subject specific curriculum areas

Learners who have reached developmental milestones beyond 12-18 months

Learners who are enjoying symbolic play

Learners who exhibit challenging behaviour that is not linked to a medical or neurological condition and a severe learning disability


Fully ambulant learners


Learners whose travelling time will exceed 1h 15mins where the time impacts on health needs

Learners with no additional health and/or therapy needs


  Communication and Interaction Cognition and Learning Social, Emotional and Mental Health Sensory and Physical Health Needs related to SEN
We will admit

Learners who require an adult to interpret all actions and label communicative intent

Learners who are preverbal

Learners who are not aware of others and require an adult to mediate all interactions

Learners who can recognise photographs and symbos but require access technology to enable this

Learners who are assessed as having profound and multiple learning disabilities

Learners who have severe learning disabilities with complex health and physical needs

Learners who are still learning to self-regulate in line with their developmental ability


Learners who are non-ambulant

Learners with assessed physical disability and receiving active involvement of the commissioned school therapy team

Learners with degenerative or life-limiting conditions

Learners who require an integrated health and therapy offer that can include:

- Bolus feeding

- Use of postural equipment

- Suctioning

- Chest physio

Learners who have epilepsy

We will discuss and consider on a case by case basis

Learners who require a peer group to be responsive to interactions

Learners who have a severe learning disability but are unable to physically access local college provisions


Learners who display some challenging behaviour as an attempt to communicate emotions, but are preverbal

Learners who need an adult to always support self-regulation due to learning need

Learners in care

Learners who have significant sensory impairment wiht additional physical needs

Learners who are beginning to cruise, crawl or take first steps

Learners who require frequent repositioning and manual handling guidance to maintain their airway

Learners whose support staff would need specialist training to manage their positioning

Learners who are physically moving in small classroom environments but are unaware of objects/people.  They may still use a wheelchair for community visits

 Learners with high medical needs that will require significant staff training or 1:1 support, above core health training currently offered. 

This can include:

- frequent suctioning

- tracheostomy care

- catheterising

- Management of NPA or other airways

- Delegated nursing tasks specific to the child

Learners on a palliative or end of life pathway

We will not admit

 Learners who need to develop independence and social skills which cannot be offered by the learning environment and/or peer group


Learners who have a severed learning disability and no additional physical or medical needs

Learners able to do Entry Level qualifications

 Learners who exhibit challenging behaviour that is not linked to a medical or neurological condition and a severe learning disability

Learners who have a primary need of SEMH

Fully ambulant learners


Learners whose travelling time will exceed 1h 15mins where the time impacts on health needs

Learners with no additional health and/or therapy needs
