Learning Culture

At Rosewood we believe that having a culture of ongoing learning and development enables our school to continually improve. 

We know that if our staff have high levels of skill, knowledge and engagement, this will have a direct impact on improving outcomes for our learners.  For us as a staff team this involves the following:

We offer a comprehensive package of induction training to all new staff.  This covers all the basic statutory safeguarding, moving & handling, and health & safety training, as well as face to face sessions about all the aspects of Rosewood life that are important when supporting our learners with education, health and care. 

Induction training for all staff consists of:

  • Moving and Handling

  • Health & Safety

  • Safeguarding including Keeping Children Safe in Education

  • Communication

  • Feeding

  • Hygiene and Personal Care


Learning assistants and teachers will also cover:

  • Rosewood's approach to PMLD and Complex Needs

  • Families

  • Physiotherapy

  • Visual Impairment

We offer an ongoing rolling programme of 'Basic' training which staff can take up after they have been part of the team for a short time.  These sessions enable them to build up skills and knowledge about all aspects of the Rosewood Way. 

Training includes:

  • Switch Access

  • How to set up the Multi-Sensory Room

  • Hearing Impairment

  • Perfect Positioning

  • Principles of Conductive Education

  • Involvement and Engagement

  • Intensive Interaction

  • Hydrotherapy

  • Aromatherapy

  • Enteral Feeding

Other sessions are provided based on the needs of the team and the learners they are working with.

As part of the ongoing appraisal process, the leadership team and staff work together to identify further opportunities for individuals to extend their professional skills.  This includes internal training and development as well as externally accredited courses. 

It could be:

  • Opportunities to observe in different classes to learn from others in school

  • Opportunities to attend Twilight Staff Meetings or Class Team meetings with specific training on offer

  • Class based input from specialist teachers

  • Specialist healthcare training determined by learner needs in the classroom

  • Higher Level Teaching Assistant accreditation for experienced and skilled Learning Assistants

  • Specialist Further Education in relevant fields

  • Skill specific training, for example in Hydrotherapy or Rebound Therapy

  • Opportunities to engage in specific research and curriculum development

InSET training day

Rosewood values its InSET days very highly, and each year the ongoing training and development for the staff team is carefully planned in line with the School Improvement Plan.  Training is delivered either by specialists in school, or sometimes by visiting professionals.  In addition to these InSET opportunities we also have a regular cycle of updates:

Each September we have an annual refresher on healthcare competencies delivered by our Health colleagues in school, as well as a regular Safeguarding refresher session. 

Each Spring our InSET day has a focus on Communication.

Each Summer we have an annual refresher on Health & Safety / Moving and Handling.


Following their first Early Career Teacher year, our teaching team all support the ongoing development of the ImPACTS curriculum in some way.  We believe that our collaborative approach to reviewing and renewing the curriculum and assessment in school is one of our strengths, as the whole team are involved.

Each week one or two teachers are released for a Development Day where they have the opportunity to engage in research and work alongside the leadership team to review an aspect of the curriculum.  Where appropriate, input from the multi-disciplinary team would also be welcomed.  Teachers undertake this work in line with their own areas of interest but also as part of their Key Skill Leadership responsibilities.  This is then shared with the wider team for discussion and further review, before any changes are adopted.

Relevant changes to the ImPACTS assessments and curriculum are shared annually with any schools who have subscribed to our curriculum update service.
